12 th International Conference on Multiphase Flow

About the Event
The 1st ICMF was held in Tsukuba, Japan in 1991 and then the 2nd was again in Japan, Kyoto in 1995. Since then, ICMF has been governed by the ICMF Governing Board, and has been held every three years in the three geographical regions in the order of Europe, America and Asia‑Oceania.
This conference will address all different aspects of multiphase flows from theory, to experiments and numerical modelling. This is a unique opportunity to meet all experts and discover new scientific issues and important achievements.
List of past ICMF
- (2023) 11th ICMF in Kobe, Japan (Chairperson: A. Tomiyama)
- (2019) 10th ICMF in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Chairperson: O. Rodriguez)
- (2016) 9th ICMF in Firenze, Italy (Chairperson: A. Soldati)
- (2013) 8th ICMF in Jeju, Korea (Chairperson: M.H. Kim)
- (2010) 7th ICMF in Tampa, USA (Co-chairpersons: J. Sinclair Curtis and S. Balachandar)
- (2007) 6th ICMF in Leipzig, Germany (Chairperson: M. Sommerfeld)
- (2004) 5th ICMF in Yokohama, Japan (Chairperson: Y. Matsumoto)
- (2001) 4th ICMF in New Orleans, USA (Chairperson: E. Michaelides)
- (1998) 3rd ICMF in Lyon, France (Co-chairpersons: J. Bataille and R.J. Perkins)
- (1995) 2nd ICMF in Kyoto, Japan (Co-chairpersons: A. Serizawa, T. Fukano and J. Bataille)
- (1991) ICMF in Tsukuba, Japan (Co-chairperson: G. Matsui and A. Serizawa)
Governing Board
- Eric Climent IMFT, Toulouse France – Chairman ICMF 2025
- Tim Colonius Caltech Univ., USA
- Olivier Desjardins Cornell Univ., USA
- Rodney Fox Iowa State Univ., USA – Vice-President GB
- Jochen Froehlich TU-Dresden, Germany
- Kosuke Hayashi Kobe Univ., Japan
- Dominique Legendre IMFT, Toulouse France – President GB
- Dirk Lucas HZDR, Germany
- Rui Ni Johns Hopkins, USA
- Oscar Rodriguez University of São Paulo, Brazil
- Kazuyasu Sugiyama Osaka Univ., Japan
- Akio Tomiyama Kobe Univ., Japan – Chairman ICMF 2023
- Chao Sun Tsinghua Univ., China
- Devaraj van der Meer Twente Univ.-TNW, Netherlands
- Saito Yasushi Kyoto Univ., Japan
Organizing Committee
E. Climent (Chairperson) and C. Colin (Co-chairperson)
M. Abbas, J. Aubin, W. Benguigui, T. Bonometti, M. Broussot, S. Cazin, B. Cuenot, N. Dorville, P. Fede, P. Guiraud, F. Lamadie, C. Laurent, M. Miscevic, P. Noble, N. Odier, M. Sabater, J. Sebilleau, R. Zamansky
Int. J of Multiphase Flow is a partner of the conference and will offer guest speakers and award winners the opportunity to participate in a special edition.